ADVANCE NOTICE: Gun Owners of Vermont has reached out to Gun Sense Vermont today 10/21/15.
As you will see in the newspapers tomorrow, Gun Owners of Vermont has scheduled a PUBLIC educational forum in Rutland next month.
An outline of the details AND our communication follows…
More details to come in the next week.
On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Bob DePino <gunownersofvermont@> wrote:
Dear Ann,
This note is to inform you that The Gun Owners of Vermont are having an educational forum in Rutland on November 14th at 12:30pm.
We would like to cordially invite two of your board members to join our panel.
Please let us know if any of your members would like to present your side of the discussion so we can save them a spot.
It would be nice to see you again before the next session starts.
Details are below.
Thanks in advance.
Vice President, Gun Owners of Vermont
Location: Rutland Free Library
Event: “Vermont: The Safest State in the Nation”
Room: Fox Room
Date: Saturday, November 14, 2015
Start of Setup Time: 12:00PM
Event Begins: 12:30PM
Event Ends: 4:00PM
– – – – – – REPLY
from: Ann Braden <ann@>
to: Bob DePino <gunownersofvermont@>
cc: Dan Mulligan <dan@>,
Eddie Cutler
date: Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 8:53 PM
subject: Re: GoVT Event: “Vermont: The Safest State in the Nation”
Dear Bob,
Thank you for the invitation. Given the fact that your organization’s starting point is “no compromise,” the concept of participating in a back-and-forth is something that, to me, doesn’t seem worth the time or effort.
I hope your event goes well, though, and I look forward to seeing you next time our paths cross.
Take care,
– – – – – HISTORY
Article 10/20/2015: “Vermont gun control group in secretive meetings to devise ‘gun violence’ media campaign” By Bruce Parker
Public Letter submitted 10/21/15: “Gun Sense Vermont refusing dialog” By Gun Owners of Vermont