About Us

The Gun Owners of Vermont, Inc. is a non-partisan, pro-gun organization committed to a no-compromise position on firearm ownership rights.

Gun Owners of Vermont’s organizational mission will incorporate education, training, and political activism. Maintaining a no compromise position, we: oppose all legislation that restricts the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and/or Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution; work to repeal any law that violates the intent of either the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and/or Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution; politically oppose all entities that propose, support and/or enact legislation including, but not limited to, acts that restrict the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and/or Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution; politically support all entities that defend and restore the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and/or Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution.

Because the 2nd Amendment protects all the others, our membership votes on the gun issue regardless of their party affiliations.

We’ve been working successfully for firearms owners and we’ve won numerous big battles and many small ones. Don’t look to us to compromise!

Gun Owners of Vermont monthly meeting location (live):
Rutland County (every 3rd Sunday, 1:30 p.m.)

VFW #648
15 Wales St, Rutland

Parking is available in the back parking lot.

Click here to visit us on Facebook.
Click here to visit us on MeWe.
Click here to officially join Gun Owners of Vermont

For further information email GunOwnersOfVermont.
Hope to see you and your friends at one of our meetings!