H.610 Scheduled for House Judiciary Hearing Discussion and Possible Vote on Thursday

It is vital that Vermonters concerned with gun owner rights and “due process” rights for all citizens oppose H.610.
To express your opposition to H.610 to your member of the House of Representatives you can call the VT State House
at 802-828-2228 and leave the message for your Representative(s) “No to H.610.  Due Process of Law Always Matters”  
On Thursday, March 12, the House Judiciary Committee has discussion, with a possible vote scheduled for 9 AM.  
This is because there will be a push to pass H.610 out of the House Judiciary, even with all of its deficiencies and lack
of “due process” because Friday, March 13th is Crossover Day.  Most bills that have not passed out of the committee 
of origin by the end of Crossover Day do not have to be taken up by the other house this year.  See the agenda below:
To identify and/or E-mail your Representative(s) just use this link:  https://legislature.vermont.gov/people/search/2020
Recently there have been two articles in Vermont publications to support the enactment of gun control bill H.610.
The most recent was in Seven Days entitled: “Two Recent Cases Put Vermont’s Domestic Violence Laws to the Test”
The article is about two cases of Vermont law enforcement officers being the subject of orders to relinquish firearms
due to domestic violence court cases.
The law worked, the firearms were relinquished as required by court actions, complying with “due process” rights of
the gun owner.  The article does not justify the enactment of H.610, which has deficiencies and violates “due process” 
of gun owners.  The article concludes with this quote from Grand Isle state’s attorney DiSabito:  “Ultimately, I have a
a sense if somebody really wants access to a firearms, it might take a little time, but I think there’s a high probability
that they’ll have access to one,” he said, “especially if they’re in law enforcement.”
The firearms were relinquished, the current law worked, why the push with two media stories that are PR pieces
for H.610?  Because gun control national groups work to undermine gun ownership by private citizens and they pay
handsomely the local lobbyists who work for them in the legislature.  The local gun control lobbying beast must be fed.
Room 30
March 10, 2020 – March 13, 2020
Last Updated 2/28/2020 1:31 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2020
9:00 AM                   H. 610 – An act relating to firearms and domestic violence
Committee Discussion and Possible Vote
10:15 AM                   Break
10:30 AM                   20-0850 – An act relating to disorderly conduct
Michele Childs, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Matthew S. Romei, Chief of Police, Capitol Police Department
Tim Bombardier, Barre Chief of Police, Vermont Police Association – Invited
James Pepper, Deputy State’s Attorney, Department of State’s Attorneys & Sheriffs – Invited