The event was well attended by GoVT members and other pro-2A citizens, making up almost 90% of the participants.
Other pro-2A citizens attended via Zoom and offered their thoughts.
The presentation posed interesting questions, discussed historical events, and the original (Madison) and modern interpretations (Heller & McDonald) of the 2nd Amendment that actually support the right to keep and bear arms as an individual right.
Discussion on various points led to some interesting discussion and the observance by Professor Mott as to how civil the discourse was. This showed how gun owners are actually the rational and responsible citizens the anti-gun activists always say we are not.
While the topics covered did not go too deeply into each of the philosophical, historical and legal aspects of the 2nd, the discussion remained civil and kept the audience quite involved.
I will post a link to the video if I can find one.
Click here for the audio recording of the event.
PS: Thanks to all those pro-2A supporters who attended. You represented our cause well.
Bob DePino
Vice-President, GoVT
GoVT Call to Action.
All available 2A supporters please attend!
Other 2A presentations by Meg Mott:
Putney Library discussion (GoVT members attended) 7/26/2017: Presentation Putney 2017
(Gun Owners of Vermont is credited with influencing Professor Mott’s thoughts on the 2nd & 3rd Amendments.)