Vermont’s Semi-Automatic Firearms Ban Bill (S.32) Has Arrived

The semi-automatic firearm ban bill that we have all been waiting for has emerged in the Vermont State House.

It is S-32, and you can download it here. When reading it, understand that the bill reads from the beginning of the bill, at the bottom of the bill, to the end of the bill, which is the top of the document.

In other words, start reading the bill as the bottom of the document and read upward.

The bill is the work of Senator Philip Baruth (D) Chittenden County. He is the Senate Majority Leader.

If you would like to let him know you oppose his bill, drop him a polite E-mail at and just say “No to S-32” or you can leave that message for him at the Sgt-At-Arms Office at State House at 802-828-2228.