The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs has booked the large Vermont State House Cafeteria
on Tuesday, Jan. 27 for Vermonters to use to express their opposition to gun control legislation.
VTFSC will be working there 2 PM to 7:30 PM. Gun owners need to be there and be heard.
Right now, it is time to call our Vermont State Senators about opposing the upcoming gun control
legislation. Please call the Sergeant-at-Arms Office of the Vermont State House at 802-828-2228.
Ask to to leave a message for both Senators Mullin and Rodgers, message being:
“Please tell the Senate ‘No Gun Control Legislation'”
The reason for directing calls to Kevin and John is because they a republican and a democrat,
one from the southern and one from the northern end of the state, and both are good on gun rights.
By sending the message to Kevin and John, other senators will note phone messages being
brought to them and peak interest in the purpose of the telephone messages. Numbers Count!
Leaving a message for the senator(s) for your county is good too. If you are unsure as to your
senator(s) name you can look it up on the directory below. Tell them: “NO Gun Control Laws”
· Constantly one of the very lowest crime rate states
· Constantly has one of the very best gun safety records
· Is not a major source of guns to other states with BATFE data proving this
The proposed gun control laws, as described, are a solution in search of a problem.