Stephen Halbrook’s Latest Article


Stephen Halbrook is one of the very best gun rights lawyers in the country.  He was here in Vermont speaking in September of 2008 and he
was the featured speaker at Norwich University’s “Constitution Day” in September 2010.  Each public speaking event immediately followed
the SCOTUS June decisions in District of Columbia v.Heller  and McDonald v. City of Chicago.  Heller in (2008) and McDonald (2010)
Below is Part 2 of his latest article published in the Federalist Society Review:

Included is Part Two of his new article To Bear Arms for Self-Defense: A “Right of the People” or a Privilege of the Few?  21 The Federalist Society Review 56 (2020).

Stephen Halbrook represented former Vermont Orange County Sheriff before the Supreme Court of the United States in Printz v. United States.
Sam was one of a very few sheriffs challenging the Clinton Administration forcing sheriffs to perform NICS checks.  A violation of the
10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  The sheriffs won the case.
Sam was the only sheriff from east of the Mississippi River in the case and as one of  the few sheriffs, he was allowed to be present in the Court
during oral arguments:  .