Say NO to S.22!

OK folks, phase two of what we need to do: 1st email your senators and ask them to vote NO ON S 22. For those who wrote e mails to the committee include them in your e mail. Also, first thing Tuesday morning call the Sargent at Arms and leave a message for your senator to vote no on S.22. I am including a list t of senators with their contact info. Do both the e mails and the phone calls. Doing nothing will get nothing done. You have nothing to loose by this and maybe something to gain. The phone number is 802 828 2228 and the list of the senators is below. Do the e mails tonight and keep them going. Even if they are known anti gun legislators.
Also mark this date Apr 16th WE are working on getting a big public hearing and we are going to need thousands at the statehouse. SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE AND GET INVOLVED!!!!

Senator Tim Ashe Chittenden District Democrat/Progressive
Senator Becca Balint Windham District Democrat
Senator Philip Baruth Chittenden District Democrat/Progressive
Senator Joe Benning Caledonia District Republican
Senator Christopher Bray Addison District Democrat
Senator Randy Brock Franklin District Republican
Senator Brian Campion Bennington District Democrat
Senator Alison Clarkson Windsor District Democrat
Senator Brian Collamore Rutland District Republican
Senator Ann Cummings Washington District Democrat
Senator Ruth Hardy Addison District Democrat
Senator Cheryl Hooker Rutland District Democrat/Progressive
Senator Debbie Ingram Chittenden District Democrat
Senator Jane Kitchel Caledonia District Democrat
Senator Virginia “Ginny” Lyons Chittenden District Democrat
Senator Mark A. MacDonald Orange District Democrat
Senator Dick Mazza Grand Isle District Democrat
Senator Dick McCormack Windsor District Democrat
Senator James McNeil Rutland District Republican
Senator Alice W. Nitka Windsor District Democrat
Senator Corey Parent Franklin District Republican
Senator Christopher A. Pearson Chittenden District Progressive/Democrat
Senator Andrew Perchlik Washington District Democrat/Progressive
Senator Anthony Pollina Washington District Progressive/Democrat
Senator John Rodgers Essex-Orleans District Democrat
Senator Dick Sears Jr. Bennington District Democrat
Senator Michael Sirotkin Chittenden District Democrat
Senator Robert Starr Essex-Orleans District Democrat
Senator Richard Westman Lamoille District Republican
Senator Jeanette K. White Windham District Democrat
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