The version of S.141 that was voted out of the House Judiciary committee is totally unacceptable and should be voted down!
It will be read on the House floor for the second time on Thursday morning.
We need a strong showing of the Orange Army starting at 9 am on Thursday 4/16/15!
Congregate in the cafeteria on the second floor of the State House between 9 and 10 am.
We will fill the House chamber to let the legislature know we are offended by the last minute destruction of the only part of S.141 that might have helped Vermonters!
Representative Jewett ramrodded a change to a good amendment that effectively negates the entire Relief from Disability process that was built into S.141 after a month of hard work by the Senate Judiciary and Health and Welfare committees!
This was a vindictive change brought about after the House Judiciary committee chair staged a three-tiered vote to amend the Veterans / Hunters / Shooters Amendment proposed by the Vermont Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs.
The entire committee room was packed with over a dozen pro 2A citizens and only two anti – gunners and their paid lobbyist.
This was a slap in the face to both the Senate Judiciary and Senate Health and Welfare committees and ALL the firearm groups that worked on the Relief from Disability process!
Show your elected rulers, I mean elected representatives, that their unchallenged reign over Vermont law is coming to an end.
Everyone bring your friends and family on Thursday morning to the State House!
Show our elected officials they need to stop poking the bear!