GoVT Response to GunSenseVT’s Commentary on Rittenhouse Verdict

Anti-Gun Group Gun Sense Vermont’s editorial commentary,
published in the 11/30/21 edition of the Times Argus:

“The leadership of GunSense Vermont joins thoughtful people everywhere who are appalled by the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who shot and killed two men and injured a third during a protest over the shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Wisconsin in 2020.

GunSense Vermont understands that gun violence is not limited to random acts; it exists in the forms of domestic violence, suicide, shootings by police, and using guns to intimidate, threaten and coerce. The Rittenhouse verdict sends a dangerous message that it is not only acceptable to bring guns to marches, protests and rallies, but that taking lives is considered heroic rather than criminal.

GunSense Vermont will continue to work for the safety of all Vermonters and stand in opposition to the conditions that led to Rittenhouse’s actions and acquittal.

Issued by GunSense Vermont Board of Directors”

Link: GunSense Vermont is “appalled by the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse…”

Gun Owners of Vermont response:

I have to wonder why “thoughtful people” and GunSense Vermont (GSVT) are appalled by the Rittenhouse verdict. Kyle Rittenhouse, who defended himself from a violent and life threatening attack, was charged, tried and acquitted by a jury of his peers. This is a clear example of self defense against known criminals.

Thoughtful people should wonder who GSVT is trying to protect — pedophiles, domestic abusers, or repeat offenders who illegally possess firearms? Rittenhouse’s attackers were all of the above, and GSVT takes the side of such criminal entities in their commentary.

Were the activities on that day a peaceful march like GSVT would have you believe? No, these law breakers were involved in a violent riot complete with looting and vandalism. The Rittenhouse verdict sends the right message, upholding the rule of law. Every citizen has the right to defend himself and herself.

Speaking of shooting defenseless victims, have you heard what Alec Baldwin has been up to recently?
Where is your outrage GSVT?

Randy Gray, Director, Gun Owners of Vermont