The following excerpt was taken from an article in the Brattleboro Reformer on January 12, 2010.
“The homocide rate in Vermont hit it’s lowest point in two decades after only four documented cases in 2009.Max Schlueter, director of the Vermont Crime Information Center,said the rate in Vermont tends to consist of peaks and valleys, often committed by people who know the victim in some way……….Nevertheless, Vermont (already one of the safest states in the country) had its lowest rate since 1994 ,when there were only 5 such cases………..While the state only tallied four murders last year ,one of the crimes happened locally in downtown Brattleboro………The incident also was one of three knife-related homocides in the state, with the fourth used with another blunt tool, a hammer, said Schlueter. None of the homocides were related to firearms, he added.”
– Written by Chris Garofolo
The statistics speak for themselves. Vermont is a very safe state and we don’t need to change our gun laws in any way, shape or form.Please keep this in mind when Montpelier brings up anti-gun bills and plans to pass them into law.