The Gun Owners of Vermont annual meeting was held yesterday, 9/20. Officers and board members were elected as follows:
President – Eric Davis
Vice President – Bob DePino
Secretary – Bonnie DePino
Treasurer – Archie Flower
Board of Directors: Will Waizenegger, Randy Gray and Jeff Kaufman.
We heard from multiple candidates running for office, Jacob Holmes running for House in Windsor-1, Terry Williams running for Senate in Rutland County, as well as our own Randy Gray running for House in Windsor 3-2, and Archie Flower running for Senate in Addison County. All candidates spoke of the dire need for more pro 2A/Article 16 legislators and pledged to defend gun rights if elected.
We conducted our annual raffle (for something that rhymes with “fun” but we can’t mention on Facebook lest we get shut down by the censors) and the lucky winner was Mr. Jacob Holmes who dropped by to tell us about his campaign and bought a ticket while he was at it. When asked if he could pass the required background check, Mr. Holmes joked that he wasn’t sure with his military and law enforcement background, but he would give it his best shot. Anyhow, we hope he enjoys it and hope he gets the chance to support gun rights in the near future.
An executive session was held afterward to discuss the transition in some of the officer’s positions. It was discussed that the creation of an Assistant Treasurer position would be beneficial to the organization for purposes of transparency and efficiency. There was a unanimous vote to appoint former VP Bob Readie to this position which he accepted.
Thanks to everyone who attended the meeting and to everyone who has helped out in some way or another over the year. GoVT is truly a grassroots organization and it’s all of you that make this possible.
Stay tuned for more updates as we head into the election!
Eric Davis, President GoVT