The Birth of A False Flag Operation: American Rifle and Pistol Association

Another group trying to pass itself off as representing gun rights.
It is what is actually in a piece of legislation that counts. Not,
what the media, politicians or gun control advocates say is a bill.

The Birth of A False Flag Operation: American Rifle and Pistol Association
Posted on July 3, 2013 by Robert Farago

“A new gun advocacy group calling itself a ‘responsible’
alternative to the National Rifle Association is launching
July 4 – and it hopes to attract gun owners across the
political spectrum,” reports. Who dat? ”None of
the members of the leadership team are representatives,
agents, or employees of the firearms manufacturing industry
in any way; nor do they claim to be firearms experts of any
kind; nor are they law enforcement personnel, politicians,
or firearms industry lobbyists,” The Texas-based American
Rifle and Pistol Association website assures its readers.
“Complete executive profiles on R+P’s leadership team are
available to all R+P members.” Wait. You have to sign it
before you know what you’re signing? We can do better than
that! Let’s start with chairman Peter Vogt . . .

According to his Facebook page, Mr. Vogt is formerly of
Stamford, Connecticut, now of Austin, Texas. (Howdy
neighbor!) Blame Keep it Weirdville’s tech sector for the
anti-gun virus; the dog lover with a hard-on for gun control
works for Austin’s BTO Group.

Nope, not Bachman Turner Overdrive, a “highly advanced Cloud
Solutions Provider, providing end-to-end Web 3.0 IT
transformation solutions & services to the Fortune-1000,
Energy and Healthcare.” B-b-b-b-baby you ain’t seen nothin’
yet. Although I have seen that stock shot on their website
about a billion times.

CEO Waylan Johnson is an oil man, also CEOing for the Texas
Energy Group. American Rifle and Pistol’s President and
mouthpiece is Robert Gelinas, another high-tech liberal, the
CEO at the Google search-shy AppXoft. He’s also the man
behind ArcheBooks Publishing, a vanity publisher with a
distinct preference for its owners’ manuscripts.

Gelinas’ Linked In profile proclaims: “R+P is the Voice of
mainstream gun owners. It exists to promote SANE gun
ownership and firearms management. SANE = Safety, Advocacy,
Networking, and Education.”

The R+P appears to have all the authenticity, promise and
likely staying power of The Coffee Party. Yet none of this
dubiousness has prevented the media from eating-up what
they’re putting down. Which really pisses me off.

Thousands of pro-gun rights groups labor in media obscurity,
working tirelessly to extend and defend Americans’ natural,
civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear
arms. And yet the media shamelessly pimps for non-groups
like Moms Demand Action and this “hey guys I’ve got a web
address!” gun grabbing NRA basher.

The People of the Gun aren’t so easily fooled. Nor,
thankfully, do less active gun owners. And they have long
memories. I only wish the NRA was faster on its feet
instead of living in no comment Check-with-the-Committee
Land. Then again GOA, SAF, NAGR and the rest are genuine
grass roots groups who aren’t afraid to denounce the false
flaggers, like R+P.