Senator Patrick Leahy 800-642-3193
Senator Bernie Sanders 800-339-9834
The antis and their friends in the main stream media are pouring
on the support for the U.S. Senate to pass major gun control bills.
Understand that the “Universal” checks include requirements that
would make it a federal crime to loan a firearm to a friend to use
at the range. The bills keep evolving from this into that restriction.
The U.S. Senate is going to take up the gun control bills very soon.
This is why the president did his pro-gun control press conference
last week. The president called for the antis to call U.S. Senators.
It does not matter if you have called before, that was then and this
is the current fight. Push back on Sen. Feinstein’s gun control dream.
Consider getting friends and family members sitting on the sidelines
to call. This bills will impact all gun owners, everybody is involved.
This is 1994 all over again. In that year they passed the background
check law and emboldened by that victory, passed the law commonly
called the Assault Weapons Ban, outlawing the manufacturer of many
firearms and all magazines that held more than 10 rounds.
We are in the same political situation again. They are trying to pass the
whole agenda, but will start with the their “Universal Registration” bill.
If they pass that bill, they will come right back for a ban like the one
NY State just enacted. NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pushing for it.
Time to call make calls and politely say: “No new gun laws needed”
Senator Patrick Leahy 800-642-3193
Senator Bernie Sanders 800-339-9834
Thank you,
Clint Gray,
Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc.