Burlington Charter Changes, Thursday, 9am. Please call your Representatives.
The hearings on H.90, H.91 and H.92 on Thursday are just a walk through of the bills. No testimony.
Please make telephone calls to the members of the House Government Operations Committee at
802-828-2228 and leave the polite message: “The Burlington Charter Change bills endanger our
Vermont Sportsmen’s Bill of Rights, please oppose these bills” The committee members are below.
Rep. Donna Sweaney, Chair Rep. Debbie Evans, Vice Chair Rep. Dennis J. Devereux, Ranking Member Rep. Joanna Cole Rep. Sarah Copeland-Hanzas Rep. Mark Higley Rep. Ronald E. Hubert Rep. Rob LaClair Rep. Patti J. Lewis Rep. Linda J. Martin, Clerk Rep. Maida Townsend
House Committee on Government Operations
Room 49
February 17, 2015 – February 20, 2015
Last Updated 2/14/2015 3:59 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2015
9:00 AM H. 90 – An act relating to approval of an amendment to the charter of the City of Burlington regarding police confiscation or seizure of deadly or dangerous weapons
Introduction; no testimony to be taken at this time
Rep. Johannah Leddy Donovan
Rep. Joanna Cole
Rep. Jill Krowinski
Rep. Curt McCormack
Rep. Jean O’Sullivan
Rep. Christopher Pearson
Rep. Barbara Rachelson
Rep. Kesha K. Ram
Rep. Mary Sullivan
9:30 AM H. 91 – An act relating to approval of an amendment to the charter of the City of Burlington requiring firearms to be locked in safe storage depositories or placed in locking devices
Introduction; no testimony to be taken at this time
Rep. Johannah Leddy Donovan
Rep. Joanna Cole
Rep. Jill Krowinski
Rep. Curt McCormack
Rep. Jean O’Sullivan
Rep. Christopher Pearson
Rep. Barbara Rachelson
Rep. Kesha K. Ram
Rep. Mary Sullivan
10:00 AM H. 92 – An act relating to approval of an amendment to the charter of the City of Burlington prohibiting firearms on properties of establishments licensed to serve alcohol on premises
Introduction; no testimony to be taken at this time
Rep. Johannah Leddy Donovan
Rep. Joanna Cole
Rep. Jill Krowinski
Rep. Curt McCormack
Rep. Jean O’Sullivan
Rep. Christopher Pearson
Rep. Barbara Rachelson
Rep. Kesha K. Ram
Rep. Mary Sullivan
ATTENTION – Please email handouts to the committee assistant before your scheduled meeting date and bring 5 hard copies. Please write your name, organization, date and title on each document.
With few exceptions, any documents a witness submits to a committee or to a committee assistant are open to the public.
In addition, a witness’ submission of a document authored by the witness or his or her organization constitutes consent to its posting on the committee’s webpage, unless the witness specifically requests that the document not be posted. Although the committee will honor requests not to post such documents on its webpage, once a witness submits a document to the committee, it is a public record and will be subject to public inspection and copying unless exempt under the Public Records Act.
If you have any questions and comments, please contact
Denise Diehl at 802-828-2265