Please call House Speaker Mitzi Johnson at 802-828-2245 and leave the message. “No to H.610, a bill that needlessly violates Vermont gun owners rights.
We are frustrated that our concerns, regarding the legal defects in the bill, are being ignored in the House Judiciary Committee”
Speaker Johnson’s E-mail address: and mailing address: 115 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05633.
It is time to let House Speaker Mitizi Johnson know we are frustrated with the House Judiciary Committee ignoring out opposition to H.610, a gun control
bill that recklessly violates gun ownership rights and accomplishes nothing to deter crime. See the House Judiciary Committee agenda for this week (Down Below)
The lead sponsors of H.610 House Judiciary Chair Maxine Grad (D) Moretown-Watisfiled and Ranking Member Martin LaLonde (D) South Burlington
are pushing hard for H.610. H.610 is an model of Gun Control Lobbying dollars hard at work in your state.
House Committee on Judiciary
Room 30
January 28, 2020 – January 31, 2020
Last Updated 1/24/2020 7:34 PM
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
9:30 AM Introductions
Hon. William Cohen, Associate Justice, Vermont Supreme Court
10:00 AM House Floor
After House Floor Caucuses and Lunch
1:00 PM TBA
1:30 PM H. 808 – An act relating to the use of deadly force by law enforcement
Joint Meeting with House Government Operations Committee
Room 11
Bor Yang, Executive Director, VT Human Rights Commission
Michael Schirling, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety
Ingrid Jonas, Major, Vermont State Police
Seth DiSanto, President, Chief’ of Police Association – Invited
Falko Schilling, Advocacy Director, ACLU of Vermont – Invited
David Scherr, Assistant Attorney General, Vermont Attorney General’s Office – Invited
John Campbell, Executive Director, Mental Health Crisis Response Commission – Invited
3:30 PM H. 610 – An act relating to firearms and domestic violence
Nico Bocour, State Legislative Director, Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence
David Chipman, Senior Policy Advisor, Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence
Hannah Shearer, Litigation Director, Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence
4:20 PM Adjourn
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
9:00 AM H. 688 – An act relating to addressing climate change
Cause of Action Section
Luke Martland, Director and Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
T.J. Donovan, Vermont Attorney General, Attorney General’s Office – Invited
Laura Murphy, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General’s Office – Invited
Robert McDougall, Chief Environmental Division, Attorney General’s Office – Invited
Jen Duggan, Vice President/Director, Conservation Law Foundation – Invited
Matthew Chapman, General Counsel, Agency of Natural Resources – Invited
10:15 AM TBA
10:30 AM H. 688 – An act relating to addressing climate change
Continued testimony from witnesses listed above
11:45 AM Lunch
1:00 PM House Floor
15 Mins. After House Floor H. 579 – An act relating to establishing a classification system for criminal property offenses
Falko Schilling, Advocacy Director, ACLU of Vermont
David Scherr, Assistant Attorney General, Vermont Attorney General’s Office
Karen Gennette Esq., Executive Director, Crime Research Group
Robin Joy, Director of Research, Crime Research Group
– H. 568 – An act relating to human trafficking and prostitution
Committee discussion and possible vote
Michele Childs, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
4:15 PM H. 838 – An act relating to possession of firearms by persons convicted of a violent crime
Bill introduction
Rep. Brian K. Savage, Bill Sponsor, Swanton
4:30 PM Adjourn
Thursday, January 30, 2020
9:00 AM H. 610 – An act relating to firearms and domestic violence
Erik FitzPatrick, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
Michael Schirling, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety – Invited
Christopher Herrick, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Safety – Invited
Jeffrey Wallin, Director, Vermont Information Crime Center (VCIC) – Invited
Shawn Burke, Chief of Police, South Burlington Police Department – Invited
Honorable Brian Grearson, Chief Superior Judge, Vermont Judiciary
David Scherr, Assistant Attorney General, Vermont Attorney General’s Office – Invited
James Pepper, Deputy State’s Attorney, Department of State’s Attorneys & Sheriffs – Invited
Bill Moore, Firearms Policy Analyst, Vermont Traditions Coalition – Invited
Eric Davis, President, Gun Owners of Vermont
Sarah Robinson, MSW, Deputy Director, Vermont Network Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
Susan Carbon, Circuit Judge, New Hampshire Circuit Courts (4:00 PM) – Phone
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM H. 610 – An act relating to firearms and domestic violence
Continued testimony from witnesses listed above
11:45 AM Lunch
1:00 PM House Floor
15 Mins. After House Floor H. 610 – An act relating to firearms and domestic violence
Continued testimony from witnesses listed above
4:30 PM Adjourn
Friday, January 31, 2020
9:30 AM House Floor
15 Mins. After House Floor H. 610 – An act relating to firearms and domestic violence
Committee discussion
Christopher Herrick, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Safety
11:45 AM Lunch
1:00 PM TBA
3:00 PM Adjourn
Please note that witnesses may not be called in the order in which they are listed.
ATTENTION WITNESSES- Please email handouts to the committee assistant before your scheduled meeting date and bring 1 hard copies. Please write your name, organization, date and title on each document. With few exceptions, any documents you hand out to a committee, or send to a committee assistant, are open to the public and may be posted to the committee’s webpage.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact
Mike Bailey at 828-2257 or