Gun Sense Lie of the Day #2

Gun Sense Lie of the Day #2:
Analysis by Gun Owners of Vermont

GS LIE 1: Criminal background checks and the second amendment go hand-in-hand. Background checks protect us ALL — plus, they’re quick and easy:
There is no Universal Background Check requirement under the 2nd Amendment, nor Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution.

GS LIE 2: The average background check takes 30 seconds and costs less than $30.
For EVERY sale through an FFL, Form 4473 MUST be filled out COMPLETELY AND PERFECTLY!
No corrections, no erasing, no scratch-outs.
Mess up? Start over.
Form 4473 consists of 36 questions, divided into almost 80 sections.
17 questions (35 sections) are for the buyer, the remainder for the seller.
Mess up? Start over.
Filling out the buyer section takes about 4 minutes (if you don’t mess up).
The FFL licensee will then spend 5-10 minutes filling out their portion of the paperwork.
Did they mess up?
When the form is completed, the FFL will charge you a fee for performing this transaction, so add another minute.
After the payment for the background check is completed, the FFL dealer then contacts the NICS hotline, relays all of the buyer’s personal information, awaits a response and completes the paperwork.
EASY? Fairly.
QUICK? Definitely not.
As a matter of fact, the last section of the ATF Form 4473 states: “The estimated average burden associated with this collection is 30 minutes per respondent or recordkeeper…”

GS LIE 3: In Vermont there are more licensed gun dealers than post offices.
There are 285 U.S. Post Offices in Vermont
Approximately 15% (about 50) of all FFL holders have a publicly accessible storefront that is open to the general public on a regular basis!
Over 80% of FFL holders are NOT “dealers”
Many FFL holders are MANUFACTURERS.
Many businesses possess MULTIPLE FFL licenses (ex. Century Arms)
Several FFL holders are OUT OF BUSINESS
Over 50% of all FFL holders are GUNSMITHS working out of their PRIVATE homes!

GS LIE 4: 99% of Vermonters live within 10 miles of a licensed gun dealer.
99% of Vermonters probably do NOT live within 10 miles of a licensed gun dealer.
G.O.V. is in the process of verifying the location of license holders with storefronts at this time.

Gun Owners of Vermont: Armed with the FACTS, and not afraid to use them!