Burlington Charter Changes

The Burlington Charter Changes bills have been reintroduced for 2016.
A hearing before the House Government Operations Committee has been scheduled for Thursday, January 28th.

Per the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen:
Understand that this legislation is not about just guns in Burlington.
It is about Vermont municipalities killing our Vermont Sportsmen’s Bill of Rights by exempting it into being meaningless.
It is about creating a forum for gun control forums in municipalities all over Vermont.
It is about being able to ban/regulate all that is protected from multiple municipal PC challenges to outdoors

sports/shooting activities by creating a state-wide patchwork of restrictive ordinances.
Our Vermont Sportsmen’s Bill of Rights (24 VSA Section 2295) went into effect in 1988 and has served our state well.
Read the Vermont Sportsmen’s Bill of Rights here: http://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/24/061/02295

1. Contact your House of Representative member(s) by calling the Sgt-At-Arms staff at 802-828-2228 and leave them the

message “No to ANY Burlington Charter Changes, Protect our Vermont Sportsmen’s Bill of Rights”.

Find YOUR legislator’s HERE=> http://legislature.vermont.gov/people/search/2016


Charter Change Bills:
H.566 (requiring firearms to be locked in safe storage depositories or placed in locking devices)

H.567 (police confiscation of deadly or dangerous weapons)

H.568 (possession of firearms on premises where alcohol is licensed to be served)